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Lee Woodward Training Systems
Lee Woodward Training Systems

Zero-500 Property Managements

Lauren Robinson Presents

$195 + GST

Welcome to Zero to 500 Property Managements!

In this in-depth 10-session online course, Lauren Robinson draws on personal experience to take you on a structured journey, from how to establish a quality property management business and selecting your ideal client, to achieving sustainable growth and becoming known as an expert in your field.

Whether you are new to property management or you’ve been managing a rent roll for years but are struggling to understand how to make a return from your investments and improve your bottom line, this online course is for you. It will help you build and grow your rent roll and see month-on-month growth for sustainable long-term success.

For Real Estate Academy members call our team 1300 367 412 for your member rate.

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1x Zero-500 Property Managements

$195 + GST